How to Donate
We have made different options available to you to make donating as easy as possible.
Please read carefully the options below and choose the one more convenient for you.
We sincerely thank you! Sri Sri Goura Nitai and Srila Prabhupada will be very pleased with you!
Please scroll down to see the different options

Donate Using PayPal
Free for you to use. Iskcon DR pays a processing fee.

Transfer to Our Bank Account in the United States
Bank: JP Morgan Chase
Account Name: Iskcon Mission Society in Latin America
Account No.: 395 820 505
Routing No.: 021000021
Bank Identification/SWIFT Code: CHASUS33
For domestic wire transfers (within USA) use our account and routing numbers. (Check with your bank for applicable fees.)
For international wire transfers use our bank identification/SWIFT code (CHASUS33) and our account number. (Check with your bank for applicable fees.)
For Zelle transfers use Iskconsantodomingo108@gmail.com
(The recipient name shown will be ISKCON MISSION SOCIETY IN LATIN AMERICA,, HARLINGEN,TX. Zelle transfer are usually free for both parties.)Chase Accepts in-person deposits at its branches.
Need a receipt? Please scroll down.

Transfer to Our Bank Account in the Dominican Republic
Bank: Banco Popular Dominicano
Account Name: Sociedad Internacional para la Conciencia de Krishna
Account No.: 798 290 599
RNC: 430 192 661
Use only if you are transferring from a bank in the Dominican Republic .
Banco Popular accepts in-person deposits at its branches.
Need a receipt? Please scroll down.
Need a Receipt?
If you need a receipt for tax purposes or any other purpose, please let us know using the contact form below. We apologize this part of the process is not automatized, but in order to keep administrative and operational costs to a minimum and to dedicate as much as possible of your kind donations to the actual construction of the temple, we have to handle some parts of the donation process manually. Thanks for your understanding and support!
Hare Krishna!
Questions? Contact Us
Phone: + 1 849 245 5947
Email: krishnadasa22@yahoo.com
International Contacts:
WhatssApp: 849-889-8060
North America and The Caribbean: Ekendra Dasa tmancebo@me.com Cel: 212-470-5696